When galaxies collide new space is formed. It looks chaotic and it is termed a black hole but that is how creation of the universe continues.
The chaos in our lives is sometimes a necessity to open up new creativity within us or lead us onto another dimension of living. All artists require a bit of chaos to be creative. Just as need is the mother of invention, so chaos is the basis of creation.
In Genesis we read that the earth was dark and void and chaos was on the deep...and then God spoke the words of creation...let there be light! And light has continued ever since, frustrating the scientific minds of generations and baffling the intellect of atheists who want to explain creation without a creator!
Hebrews 11:3 tells us by faith we understand that the worlds were created...which worlds? The astronomers inform us that there are many worlds out there in outer space and last year the French astronomers discovered at least three new earths! Jesus made a strange prediction to his disciples before he left the earth supernaturally: I go to create a new heaven and a new earth...our minds cannot conceive it all. We have to simply believe that it is true.
But there is an angle that made sense to me some time ago: when the writer of Hebrews (whom many believe to be Apostle Paul)says by faith we understand the worlds were created by God, then in terms of our human existence we could interpret it that my world, your world, Wayne's world, all the worlds of each individual, the worlds of every family, the private and collective worlds we live in have all been created for us...
The chaos we sometimes experience in our 'world' is a necessary 'evil' to get us to see higher heights and to plunge into deeper depths of understanding. God's creative power requires a bit of chaos in order to rearrange our worlds...
Think about it: if all the chaos in the universe where stars burn out and galaxies collide is necessary to keep the centrifugal force working to make human existence possible on planet earth, then maybe the bit of chaos you and I experience from time to time is a vital ingredient to our own personal development.
It does not make much sense otherwise. The best we can do is to believe that we are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works before the foundation of the world so that we might walk in it. It is after all God at work within us both to will and to work according to his good pleasure.
That is why we are all so entirely different, some want to scale mountain peaks, others plunge into the bottom of the ocean, some want to go to outer space and some discover lost tribes in dense jungles...some work in banks, some collect garbage, some want to sing and dance and others want to build skyscrapers...who put the collective genius in mankind? There must be a God who masterminded it all. Yet we are not mere puppets, but we choose to co-operate with our Creator in order to access his wisdom and his divine resources.
A little bit of chaos is sometimes a good sign that it is time to move on. When we keep our faith focussed on Christ Jesus, no matter how hard it may seem, a solution arises within our hearts, like the daystar announcing the morning light, and it grows brighter and brigher until the noon day when the sun is at its zenith.
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