Before we immigrated to Australia as missionaries, I went to see Reinhard Bonnke in his office in Witfield. I asked him for advice. How do I reach a nation? He has reached South Africa and Africa as a German missionary.
He got up from behind his desk and paced up and down with his hands behind his back - it reminded me somehow of the Fuhrer!
What shall I tell this young man? He murmered to himself.
Then he stuck his finger in the air and raised his voice and spoke to me:
' Have a fierce determination to succeed!' and then he repeated it. Then he looked at me attentively and said, 'And break the snail's shell in your thinking!'
Armed with those two words of advice, Nola, Aje and I set sail for Australia to Call a Nation!
I ended up holding 56 concert campaigns all over Australia in cities and small towns and saw thousands of souls saved. We helped to plant 4 churches and ministered in many other churches. We had two major concerts, one in Festival Hall, Brisbane and one in The Dallas Brooks Hall, Melbourne.
The bilboard outside the Festival Hall read, 'Wednesday Elton John, Saturday Andre Pelser!' Poor Elton he could only get the Wednesday slot! Almost 2000 people came to the concert. We let them in for free - all our concerts have always been free and all we relied on was an offering.
The Dallas Brooks hall saw over a thousand people attend. Some amazing things took place that night. Several people agreed that they saw a huge angel behind me. Wherever I moved it moved.
I went to small Outback towns and ministered in vacant shops in the afternoons. Sometimes we just found a dilapidated building and held the concnert in there. In Yulamambri the whole town came to the concert! It needs to be said that there were only 21 people living in the town. There were 22 in the audience. One from a neighbouring village!
We had much opposition from pastors and even experienced blackmail from spiritual leaders, but in spite of all the setbacks and rejection we kept soldiering on until we finished our mission in Aussie.
We met Reinhard Bonnke in the Melbourne Full Gospel Businessmen's World Conference and he invited Nola and I over to his breakfast table. He asked how things were going and when I shared it with him he threw his hands up into the air and said,'thank God he did not send me to Australia!'
I have kept diary of our time in Australia with all the details...some too hard to read out loud again...but Reinhard's advice stood the test of time. We are still following his advice today.
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