Heath Ledger dies. I wrote those words in my pocket sized notebook that I habitually carry around with me. A Portuguese pastor in Benfica referred to my notebook as my 'camera', because he constantly saw me jot down details wherever he took me.
As I drove to fetch my son at school I saw the Cape Argus headlines on the telephone pole posters: Heath Ledger dies.
When I wrote those words, I thought at first to write, Heath Ledger died. But it was too past tense, too distant, too long ago. The present tense sounded better. The newspaper editor obviously agreed with my way of thinking.
But how sad, how utterly sad, whether it was an accident or suicide we will never know. The 28 year old actor, understudy of Mel Gibson, found dead in his NY apartment. He was nominated for an Oscar in Brokeback Mountain.
It is a flashback to James Dean's youthful tragedy.
Just the other day, we agreed that if anyone ever could play the part of Jonny Wilkinson, it would be Heath Ledger. They look like twins. Jonny kicked over a last minute drop kick in the 2003 Rugby World Cup final vs. Australia and won the cup for England.
Few people know what actors and actress have to go through in their daily routines and the stress levels they handle in order to entertain the public. Tragedies are common among celebrities. Think of Marily, Elvis, Jimmy Hendrix...
People are not made to be worshipped. Only God can handle that kind of adoration.
Some people make little gods out of their own children. Some make idols of their pastors. People love to create idols. Americans are past masters at it. The rest of us can probably learn to be a bit more lavish with praise.
But, I'm off to the beach to surf in the sunset with Hilton and Mac the border collie!
Tomorrow is another day...
By the Grace of God we are still alive...God rest Heath's soul and comfort his family and friends.
1 comment:
Found your comments on Heath Ledger's death interesting and helps put sadness in perspective when one hears of tragedy.
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