God speaks German
Wow! I forgot that God created all the nations of the world and scattered them by confusion their languages. So He does speak German as well. I learned German at school, at Cape Town university and through correspondence with Unisa. I remember the first few lessons at university so well - I didn't understand a word the professor was saying, but eventually got used to the sound of the foreign language and passed reasonably well.
When I went to Germany the first time I could help myself in the street and in restaurants. We helped with some ministry all over Germany and then helped a couple in Berlin that spent three years in our church. But after that I never returned.
One day I had a dream. I dreamt I was with the elders in heaven. They said, 'you are known up here!' The one said, 'I see you are reading your French bible?' The other added, 'dont' stop reading your German bible either.' This was proof enough that they knew me, because no one knows that I have both those bibles next to my bed, permanently. Then another one told me it was about time I started playing piano again.
So I have been diligently reading bit by bit in those bibles for almost a year now.
When we were on holiday with some friends I heard the Spirit tell me in German to return to Zurich, Switzerland, where I made my vow to serve God and humanity. I should go to the church where Frau Fleischmann worshipped and build a memorial in the spirit for her. She was the least in that assembly and the only one willing to take me in. When she sent me to climb the mountain after 4 days of heavy snow fall, I had my supernatural encounter with the Lord on a snowy mountain side and made my vow.

I should go and tell that church that as a result of the least of their members showing kindness to a stranger, that body of believers have a share in the 40 odd nations I have been to as a missionary. They should be encouraged that the least of their members have a major share in a ministry that has touched so many nations. This should stimulate more good works amongst them to realise what they do to the least of the disciples of Christ Jesus, they do to Him and there will be a definite reward.
I believe God speaks to you in the language you read in the bible and are prepared to offer prayers. If you do King James, He will speak King James to you. If you do Portuguese, He will respond accordingly.
But this message in German surprised me, because I have never considered going back to Zurich to that church...I only thought of Fray Fleischmann, the poor old widow who had mercy on a stranger...
Nothing we do for God goes unnoticed and unrewarded. May this encourage all of us to do what we can when we can - even for strangers at our door...
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