'They shoot presidents, don't they?' my little boy asked. It reminded me of the '70's movie, 'They shoot horses, don't they?' starring Jane Fonda and Michael Sarrazin, having to endure a dance marathon till the last couple that remains standing on the dance floor wins the prize!
Butho got assasinated in December and everyone knew she was going to get it - from Al Quaida.
I saw a programme on Carte Blanche on Sunday night about an Economic Hitman. Who on earth knew there were such jobs up for grabs? It was the confessions of a Hitman. He explained how he used to get money, power and women for corrupting the minds of African and Asian leaders to secure the investment of Trillion and Billion dollar American companies to build airports, develop mines and export oil from these nations by vowing to keep the leader in power as long as he plays along with them.
Thus Saddam Hussein got nailed when he no longer played into the hands of the American Money Muscle Men. So did many others. They die in strange ways: air crashes, accidents, shootouts...
The Hitman got his revelation on a mountain overlooking a sugar plantation when he realised how slaves built the plantation and then got angry at slave traders. Then he came to the sobering conclusion that he himself was a Slaver (as he put it) and decided to resign from his highly compensated job and began to expose the dealings of these giant corporations that rule the finances of the world.
But nothing much will come of it...if they take him out it will be proof that he was right. So they will just sit it out.
'There's trillions to be made during war situations, like Vietnam and Iraq,' he said. 'Africa is a Hitman's paradise! We corrupt the leaders and they corrupt their nation! And I got paid to do it!'
Suddenly every news cast, every movie, every novel took on a new dimension after hearing the confessions of the Hitman! All the King's Men with Sean Penn and Jude Law and Anthony Hopkins suddenly looked different when we hired the video to watch it for the second time. Politicians using people to further their causes, digging for dirt in people's lives to blackmail them and to set them up as targets!
But I found a lot of these things in the church world where I came from: the trappings of man's organizations are all the same, everywhere!
I used to be starry eyed about the church world until I went through the mill several times and learned the hard way how corrupt the so-called 'men of God' are - still just as human as the next man in their congregations. Power mad, ambitious pastors use the same systems the worldly organizations use to build their ' fast-growing' churches. They bully people into submission to the Lord' without letting the people know that they are the actual 'lord' the people are bowing to!
How often have a heard disillusioned pastors tell me when they resigned from another pastor's church that they were threatened with the words, 'I'll open up a church opposite your church and close you down!'
Yet, in all this power-mad, greed-festering, cess pool of organized religion, there are the souls who have been tempered by the fire and have come out purer, not without weakness, but a more humble, meek soul, with a real desire to know God in truth. These souls are the salt of the earth.
Business people tend to call the ones they make money out of as the salt of the earth - those simple individuals who do not know how to make money!
But there is a kingdom, an invisible one, there is a reality beyond the one we can measure in earthly standards, a heavenly domain that responds to an upright heart, a sincere plea: it is the kingdom of heaven. The true Gospel of the kingdom of heaven produces a quality in a soul that none of the forced religions can imitate! Blessed are the poor in spirit.
There is a drum beat in the spirit realm that the soldiers of the cross march to. That beat is heard by people all over the globe and in every denomination and network where the heart is turned towards truth. Slowly but surely, these souls are being drawn together, and there is a recognition of kindred spirits when they meet...like: 'It feels like I've known you all my life!'
But there is a price to pay: it is free but not cheap to enter that dimension of relationship.
Perhaps that is the narrow road that Jesus spoke about, that few will find?
Religion and Politics and Business make people dance until they drop. Presidents are appointed and assasinated. Nothing has changed. These things will go on and on and nothing will stop it until the final day when the kingdoms of this world will be become the kingdom of our Lord and He shall reign forever more and in His kingdom righteousness shall reign and those who did business otherwise will no longer be able to operate but will weep, for Babylonian systems will no longer be applicable, in politics, religion or business...
Then presidents and horses will no longer be shot!