Saturday, 26 May 2012

Along the Way

Along the Way Along the way I saw a little boy play Bull-Fight with a long horn African cow. He used a sheet of white plastic for a cloth which he dangled in front of the cow. He stared at the cow and challenged it to charge at him. The cow paid no attention to him, even as he stepped closer and closer! I saw the many roadside stalls along the way selling just about everything you can think of, from raw meat hanging on hooks in the sun, to manikins nailed to wooden crosses to display clothes! I saw a traffic officer clad in white trying to direct the traffic but no one paid attention to him. He blew his football referee’s whistle in vain. The drone of traffic noises overpowered him. I saw a vendor leading four goats on four strings, but one of the goats kept on lying down in the tall grass to rest! I saw a huge crane sitting on a steeple like a weather horn waiting for the wind to blow. I saw a deserted mission church in the jungle. I saw school children walk along the road in the villages balancing their books on their heads. I saw people walking on railway tracks because the railroad system is non-existent in Uganda.

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