Watching Daniel Craig as James Bond in this years Bond release was what one expected: action, stunts, clever repartee in the dialogue and they usual distrust of the 007 agent willing to risk his life without ever being thanked for his labours by those who sit in offices and direct the procedings of the world's economy. Like the Minister said, (my summary)'if we only do business with men of integrity who would we do business with?'
Craig's personal rendition of the Bond character has moved away from the pretty boy suave image of a Pierce Bronsan. He has brought manly strengh but also a human weakness to the role that makes it both admirable and empathetic.
Without bad language or unnecessary nudity or sex scenes the Bond movie succeeds in keepin our attention rivetted to the screen because of good acting, excellent directing and editing.
The antagonist's Quantum project in the middle of the desert only has evil intentions: he wants to destroy all the earth's water resources so that he would control the water supply to all the countries of the world. But Bond outsmarts him as one would expect from Ian Flemmings secret agent.
But the line that stood out for me in the end was some advice Bond gave to his female assistant:'When adrenaline kicks in one has to compromise.Take a deep breath...and do what you have to do.'
As a cricket coach I often remind players to enjoy the exhiliration that comes with reaching a half century or a century, but then they have to take guard again in order to concentrate. Bond's line has given me better understanding of this coaching principle.
It is the adrenaline that kicks in that causes concentration levels to drop. The high brings imbalance. Take a deep breath...is sound advice at any stage!
If one would take a deep breath before saying harmful words in a moment of rage, it could save relationships! Taking a deep breath when one hears bad news could help to absord the blow. Taking a deep breath when one is praised or honoured will help one to stay humble. Taking a deep breath when one is unfairly criticised is an antidote to feeling rejected.
Compromise is normally seen as a weakness and a negative concept.But Bond's statement has raised compromise in my estimation as a tool to be used in life and not merely something to avoid.
Perhaps it is a timely word of advice for some of us right now, to find some solace in our sitaution! Take a deep breath before you go on! The oxygen to the brain will restore the balance and the sanity.
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