Grabbed my old cell phone and had to think hard to remember how to use it. New one is on my mind. Old used to be something we threw away after many years of use. Worn out, rather than merely old. But in today's fast paced techno age things become old before they are worn out, simply because the Japs have found a way to update things faster than we can use them! What a turn over of money! No wonder phone dealers build skyscrapers within a few years of starting their company!
Everyone is talking at me...the old song said...can't hear a word they're saying...well that has come true, finally. Everywhere everyone is talking to someone else, even when they are walking next to each other. In the tubes in London it was most noticeable. Everybody was absorbed with their little palm toy and secretly smiling to themselves. Some hold the phone to the ear and talk to no one at all. It is comforting just to look occupied for a moment and not to appear alone...
Desperately lonely people everywhere...
And everything is becoming old so fast - young people are old before their time and have to handle the pressures of life and the problems of the world in their essays and their speeches...
No time to play...just work, work, work.
And sport is no longer just a game: everyone has to be professional because they see it on TV and the parents and teachers demand perfection at all times!
No wonder young people are looking for a way out - they want to remain young and be kids again!
Clothes become old before you have worn them out because fashion houses determine the look on the street. Suddenly your style is 'out' and something else is 'in' and those who are out do not fit in any more.
Israel wore their clothes and shoes for 40 years without wearing them out. God saw to that. But not today. Today the fashion demands that clotes be out of date within a season.
Buy a deodorant stick and you think you have 6 months supply. But open it up and you will see it is empty inside with just enough to last for a month! They deceive you - even with packets of chips...just wind, with a few chips in the bottom corner!
The Chinese diluted babies milk and added plastic to make more cash and killed many kids...the price of greed.
Things become old too quickly these days...we need the old buildings and old wisdom and old antiques to give our lives value...we need the old, old Gospel truths and hymns and songs and heroes of the past in order to give us a platform for today.
Don't discard everything you have to replace it with new things.
Keep what is valuable.
Everything is new in the spirit realm...all the time.
Look at the old with a new eye. Renew your mind but remember the old as well.
The Lord is called The Ancient of Days...because He is the same yesterday today and forever!