When the Beatles sang their song, 'I heard the news today, oh boy!' it was pretty tame in those years to hear what was going on in the world. Since then things have increased with a speed! There are so many wars and rumours of wars, that it is hard to keep up with it all today. Violence and corruption have escalated to an alarming extent and the natural disasters are spelling the end-time in such clear signals that only fools would fail to pay attention!
The inconvenient truths as they claim are based on global warming statistics and people are scared about all that might transpire in the near future. Terrorism is making normal life impossible and religious fanatics actually seek heroic exists out of this life - only problem is they always want to take out as many people with them as they possibly can!
The result is basic: people are living one day at a time: I might die any moment so I might as well enjoy today! This type of attituce is often found in times of war. Licenciousness is something people explain to justify actions they would otherwise have ignored. Anarachy grows out of licenciousness, people become lawless...
Where there is no vision, people perish. The Lord laments in His Word, 'My people perish from a lack of knowledge!' And yet at the same time there are prophetic utterances that in the end-time knowledge shall increase! We have to ask ourselves, what kind of knowledge do we lack and what kind of knowledge is increasing in our time. And then we have to make a concerted effort to absorb the right kind of knowledge and avoid the kind that simply wastes our time!
The public media is hell-bent on sensationalism to sell their newspapers and keep people glued to the TV ('Don't go away - we have more for you in a moment!')
What is the role of apostles and prophets of the Lord Jesus Christ in these alarming times? What is the role of every believer? How do we manage our lives and stay in touch with reality in the midst of a world that seems to be spinning out of control?
There is a simple way: there is a short and easy method of prayer that Madame Guyon prescribed to her disciples. When you open your heart to God in prayer after meditating in the Bible (and you must first believe that it is the inpsired Word of God!) then you can simply allow the presence of God to cleanse you from all the dirt and filth of the world, and to commune with you in such a way that your heart will be uplifted and encouraged, and you will sense the comfort only the Holy Spirit can bring!
Try it...now. It does not have to be long...5 minutes is tremendously refreshing!